Advanced Web Programming MCQ's | Unit 1 AWP MCQ

Advanced Web Programming MCQ's With Answers

Advanced Web Programming


1. _________ defines a set of rules that enable interoperability on

  1. Common Language Specification
  2. Intermediate Language
  3. Common Run System
  4. Common Type System

Ans : Common Language Specification

2. ___________ object invokes one or more methods and is similar to a function pointer in C or C++.

  1. enumeration
  2. delegate
  3. structures
  4. string

Ans : Delegate

3. Which one of the following defines a set of integer constants with descriptive names.

  1. enumeration
  2. delegate
  3. delegate
  4. interfaces

Ans : enumeration

4. All .NET code runs inside the ____________.

  1. CLR
  2. CRL
  3. LRC
  4. SLR

Ans : CLR

5. The __________ is particularly useful for traversing the data in collections and arrays 

  1. continue statement 
  2. while loop 
  3. foreach loop
  4. goto statement

Ans : foreach loop

6. Which of the following is not a member of System.Array class? 

  1. Length property 
  2. Sort method 
  3. Reverse method 
  4. Peek method

Ans : Peek method

7. ___________ Adds the specified character to the appropriate side of a string as many times as necessary to make the total length of the string equal to the number you specify 

  1. PadLeft() and PadRight() 
  2. Trim(), TrimEnd(), and TrimStart() 
  3. ToUpper() and ToLower() 
  4. Length

Ans : PadLeft() and PadRight() 

8. To convert a variable, we need to specify the type in parentheses before the expression we are converting is called -------. 

  1. appending 
  2. nesting 
  3. casting 
  4. reversing

Ans : casting

9. Visual Studio provides statement completion for recognized objects and automatically lists information such as function parameters in helpful tooltips is,

  1. Page design 
  2. automatic error detection 
  3. debugging tools 
  4. IntelliSense

Ans : IntelliSense

10. JIT stands for _______________. 

  1. Java Interoperability Tool 
  2. just in time
  3. java in timestamp 
  4. Joint Interoperability Test

Ans : just in time

11. Most of the functionality of the .NET framework classes resides in the namespace called ____________. 

  1. Data 
  2. Service
  3. System  
  4. Drawing

Ans : System

12. Which method of an Array creates a duplicate 

  1. copy Copy()  
  2. CopyTo() 
  3. Clone()  
  4. Sort()

Ans : Clone()

13. Which of the following is not a steps in creating and using a delegate? 

  1. Delegate declaration 
  2. Delegate methods definition 
  3. Delegate indexing 
  4. Delegate instantiation

Ans : Delegate indexing 

14. Identify the wrong statement from the following. 

  1. Virtual methods can be overridden. 
  2. Abstract methods can be overridden.  
  3. An abstract method can be declared as sealed. 
  4. Abstract method cannot have body/implementation.

Ans : An abstract method can be declared as sealed. 

15. A ____________class cannot be inherited.

  1. partial 
  2. sealed 
  3. abstract 
  4. public

Ans : sealed

16. In ______________ arrays, each row can have variable number of columns.  

  1. Two dimensional 
  2. Jagged  
  3. Object  
  4. Two dimensional object arrays

Ans : Jagged

17. In switch statement __________ type expression is not allowed as case label. 

  1. int 
  2. float 
  3. string
  4. long

Ans : float

18. Method hiding in c# is achieved using ________________keyword.

  1. override 
  2. new 
  3. virtual 
  4. ref

Ans : new

19. Which of the following keyword is not used for specifying function parametrs?

  1. in 
  2. out  
  3. ref  
  4. params

Ans : in

20. A property with only a get accessor is known as _______________. 

  1. read only property 
  2. smart array 
  3. write only property
  4. read/write property

Ans : read only property

21. The ___________ keyword is used to access members of a parent class from within a derived class.

  1. parent 
  2. super 
  3. base 
  4. this

Ans : base

22. _____________ enables multiple programmers to work on a class at the same time.

  1. abstract class 
  2. sealed class 
  3. public class 
  4. partial class

Ans : partial class

23. ________________methods can be present only in an abstract classes. 

  1. abstract 
  2. virtual 
  3. sealed  
  4. constructor

Ans : abstract

24. A ______________ is a logical grouping of classes and interfaces.  

  1. interface 
  2. structure 
  3. namespace
  4. enumeration

Ans : namespace


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