Advanced Web Programming MCQ's | Unit 2 AWP MCQ

Advanced Web Programming MCQ's With Answers

Advanced Web Programming


1. The<appSettings>element is nested in the root_____________element. 

  1. <configuration> 
  2. <contains> 
  3. <settings> 
  4. <applications>

Ans : <configuration>

2. Every ASP.NET application is executed inside a separate ______________ 

  1. user domain. 
  2. application domain. 
  3. server domain. 
  4. system domain.

Ans : application domain. 

3. Event handlers takes ___________two parameters and return void. 

  1. Object & event arguments 
  2. Object & page events 
  3. function & event 
  4. arguments method & controls

Ans : Object & page events 

4. All server controls derive from the basse control class in the_____________.

  1. System.Web.UI
  2. System.Web.UI.WebControl
  3. System.Web.UI.Html
  4. Control System.Web

Ans : System.Web.UI

5. ASP.NET control markup always begin with the prefix_____________. 

  1. aspx: 
  2. serverc:
  3. asp:
  4. cs:

Ans : asp:

6. __________ property displays a text message when the user hovers the mouse above the control. 

  1. ToolTip 
  2. AccessKey
  3. Display 
  4. Text

Ans : ToolTip

7. _________ are used heavily in the .NET class library to group a set of related constants.

  1. Units 
  2. Enumerations 
  3. Fonts 
  4. Colors

Ans : Enumerations

8. _____________ property indicates whether a list box allows single selection or multiple selections.

  1. SelectedIndex 
  2. SelectedValue 
  3. SelectionMode 
  4. Items

Ans : SelectionMode

9. Which of the following Web control provide CheckedChanged event? 

  1. Button 
  2. RadioButton 
  3. TextBox 
  4. ListBox

Ans : RadioButton

10. Which of the following is not a property of BulletedList Control? 

  1. BulletStyle 
  2. DisplayMode 
  3. SelectionMode 
  4. BulletImageUrl

Ans : SelectionMode

11. Which of the following validator control ensures that the value of an input control matches a specified pattern?

  1. CompareValidator 
  2. CustomValidator 
  3. RangeValidator 
  4. RegularExpression Validator

Ans : RegularExpression Validator

12. Which of the following is the property of Range Validator control? 

  1. MaximumValue 
  2. ValueToCampare 
  3. ControlToCompare 
  4. Operator

Ans : MaximumValue

13. Which of the following is the last event of ASP.NET page life cycle 

  1. Page.Init 
  2. Page.Unload
  3. Page.Load 
  4. Page.PreRender.

Ans : Page.Unload

14. Which of the following Regular Expression Character is used to match any word character?

  1. \w 
  2. \W
  3. \d
  4. \D

Ans : \w

15. Which of the following is not a member/property for Calendar Style? 

  1. DayStyle 
  2. TodayStyle
  3. TitleStyle
  4. WeekendDayStyle

Ans : TodayStyle

16. Which of the following determines which day is displayed in the first column of the calendar? 

  1. DayNameFormat 
  2. SelectedDates 
  3. FirstDayOfWeek 
  4. TodaysDate

Ans : FirstDayOfWeek

17. In AdRotator By using which Frame target, the link opens in Current frame? 

  1. _blank
  2. _self
  3. _top
  4. _parent

Ans : _self

18. Which of the file extension is used by User Control?

  1. .aspx 
  2. .cs 
  3. .ascx 
  4. .asax

Ans : .ascx

19. Which of the following TreeView Property Lets you specify how many levels of nodes will be visible at first.?

  1. MaxDataBindDepth 
  2. ExpandDepth 
  3. ShowExpandCollapse 
  4. NodeWrap

Ans : ExpandDepth

20. Which of the following TreeView Style Property applies to any node that contains other nodes, except root nodes? 

  1. ParentNodeStyle 
  2. LeafNodeStyle
  3. RootNodeStyle 
  4. HoverNodeStyle

Ans : ParentNodeStyle

21. Which of the following is not a nevigation control ? 

  1. TreeView 
  2. Menu 
  3. DetailsView 
  4. SiteMapPath

Ans : DetailsView

22. Which of the following Advertisement File Elements is the number that sets how often an advertisement will appear? 

  1. NavigateUrl
  2. Impressions 
  3. Keyword 
  4. AlternateText

Ans : Impressions

23. Which of the following control look pretty much the same as ASP.NET web forms.? 

  1. AdRotator Control 
  2. MultiView Control 
  3. Chart Control 
  4. User Control

Ans : User Control

24. _______________ server side comment. 

  1. <%-- comments here --%>  
  2. <!-- comments here -->  
  3. /* comments here */ 
  4. // comments here

Ans : <%-- comments here --%>

25. _______________ is not a common property of all webserver controls. 

  1. Runat 
  2. ID 
  3. Enabled 
  4. AccessKey

Ans : AccessKey

26. Which of the following enumerator is not valid for TextBoxMode? 

  1. MultiLine 
  2. CommentLine 
  3. SingleLine 
  4. Password

Ans : CommentLine

27. The browser submits a web form to the web server and the server returns an __________  

  1. in response ASP page
  2. HTML page 
  3. image file
  4. text file

Ans : HTML page 

28. A textbox can be related to a label by setting the ________________ property of the Label control. 

  1. ID 
  2. Text 
  3. AssociatedControlID 
  4. AccessKey

Ans : AssociatedControlID

29. _______________ is not a property of ListBox

  1. SelectionMode 
  2. SelectedValue 
  3. SelectedString 
  4. SelectedIndex

Ans : SelectedString

30. ______________ Display property of RangeValidator control shows error message in the space reserved in case of failure. 

  1. Static 
  2. Dynamic 
  3. None 
  4. Null

Ans : Static

31. _______________ is not valid for Display property of RequiredFieldValidator control. 

  1. Static 
  2. None
  3. Null
  4. Dynamic

Ans : Null

32. ____________is an example of a rich control.

  1. TreeView 
  2. UpdatePanel 
  3. AdRotator 
  4. FormView

Ans : AdRotator

33. Identify the wrong attribute of siteMapNode element. 

  1. Url 
  2. Title
  3. Source
  4. Description

Ans : Source

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