Advertising 2 MCQ Collection - SY BCom Sem 4

Advertising II

Advertising 2

Advertising 2 Sy Bcom Sem 4 MCQ Collection

001) Action is the __________ step in DAGMAR model.

  1. First
  2. Final
  3. Second
  4. Third

Answer: Final

002) ________ incldes all communication vehicles that are available to the marketer to promote the products.

  1. Methodology
  2. Money
  3. Markets
  4. Media

Answer: Media

003) ___________ media scheduling strategy is not adopted by any advertisers.

  1. Alternate
  2. Step Down
  3. Steady
  4. Seasonal

Answer: Steady

004) Media ___________ refers to the ability of the media to adapt to changing needs of the advertiser.

  1. Flexibility
  2. Language
  3. Restrictions
  4. Budget

Answer: Flexibility

005) __________ of the advertising medium may be transferred to the advertised product.

  1. Prestige
  2. Flexibility
  3. Language
  4. Restrictions

Answer: Prestige

006) The concept of USP was developed by ___________.

  1. David Ogilvy
  2. Al Reis
  3. Leo Burnett
  4. Rosser Reeves

Answer: Rosser Reeves

007) ___________ are special indicators of a product.

  1. Buying Motives
  2. Selling Points
  3. Appeals
  4. Packaging

Answer: Selling Points

008) The ________ will have to decide the budget amount and the allocation of the advertising funds.

  1. Media Strategist
  2. Media Planner
  3. Media Researcher
  4. Media Owner

Answer: Media Planner

009) Media ___________ have to be booked in advance especially incase of popular media slots.

  1. Strategy
  2. Language
  3. Prestige
  4. Space & Time

Answer: Space & Time

010) In the ________ media scheduling strategy, as the season approaches, there is heavy advertising which is reduced when the season starts declining.

  1. Teaser Step-up
  2. Step Down
  3. Seasonal
  4. Bursting

Answer: Step Down

011) _______ deals with how the advertising is scheduled over the planning period.

  1. Continuity
  2. GRP
  3. Frequency
  4. Reach

Answer: Continuity

012) ___________ is a time-table showing the date, timing, size, number of advertisement, etc. to be placed in the selected media.

  1. Media Schedule
  2. Media Research
  3. Media Buying
  4. Media Planning

Answer: Media Schedule

013) ____________is a media plan designed to achieve media objectives.

  1. Media Objective
  2. Media Strategy
  3. Media Planning
  4. Media Buying

Answer: Media Strategy

014) The advertiser must ___________ to find out whether the objectives are achieved.

  1. Follow-up
  2. Plan
  3. Execute
  4. Analyze

Answer: Follow-up

015) ____________ is essential to assess the performance of any activity.

  1. Allocation
  2. Evaluation
  3. Selection
  4. Implementation

Answer: Evaluation

016) The advertiser develops___________by blending the four elements of media mix i.e. markets, money, media, methodology.

  1. Media Buying
  2. Media Research
  3. Media Planning
  4. Media Strategy

Answer: Media Strategy

017) _______ are the restrictions placed either by the Government or by the media itself.

  1. Media Restrictions
  2. Media Planning
  3. Media Buying
  4. Media Scheduling

Answer: Media Restrictions

018) The __________ has to decide on the media objectives.

  1. Media Strategist
  2. Media Researcher
  3. Media Planner
  4. Media Owner

Answer: Media Planner

019) The first step in DAGMAR model is _____________.

  1. Unawareness
  2. Awareness
  3. Conviction
  4. Comprehension

Answer: Unawareness

020) In __________ appeal, the advertiser may dramatise the discomfort or negative the situation for the non-user of the product.

  1. Positive
  2. Rational
  3. Negative
  4. Emotional

Answer: Negative

021) _________ is a buying motive.

  1. USP
  2. Selling Point
  3. Visualization
  4. Comfort

Answer: Comfort

022) _____________ is prepared by the account executive or by creative brief team.

  1. Creative Process
  2. Appeal Buying
  3. Motive Creative
  4. Brief

Answer: Brief

023) In___________ visualization technique, the visualizer may analyze successful ads of competitors and generate a new ideas.

  1. Analyzing Competitive Ads
  2. Story Construction
  3. Divergent Thinking
  4. Rough Layouts

Answer: Analyzing Competitive Ads

024) _________ products require a lot of time and effort on the part of customers to make a buying decision.

  1. Low Involvement Products
  2. High Involvement  Products
  3. Second-Hand Products
  4. Third hand Product

Answer: High Involvement  Products

025) Consumer durables of high value are often bought on the basis of __________appeal.

  1. Rational
  2. Emotional
  3. Moral
  4. Fear

Answer: Rational

026) Common people, models, animated characters, professionals etc. are various types of ___________.

  1. Copy Writer
  2. Visualizer
  3. Art Director
  4. Endorsers

Answer: Endorsers

027) The ___________approval is required to finalize the ad campaign.

  1. Ad Agency
  2. Advertiser’s
  3. Management
  4. Director

Answer: Advertiser’s

028) In __________ technique of visualization, one person’s idea would stimulate someone else and the combined power of group could generate better ideas.

  1. Story Construction
  2. Brain Storming
  3. Observation
  4. Rough Layouts

Answer:Brain Storming

029) The _________ attempts to influence the audience regarding the superiority of the endorsed brand.

  1. Copy Writer
  2. Visualizer
  3. Art Director
  4. Endorsers

Answer: Endorsers

030) _________ is a must to create top of mind awareness.

  1. Creativity
  2. Appeal
  3. Selling Point
  4. Features

Answer: Creativity

031) The low involvement products are generally ________ products.

  1. Non Durabl
  2. FMCG
  3. Cheap
  4. Durable

Answer: FMCG

032) ____________ is a technique of visualization.

  1. Appeal
  2. Observation
  3. USP
  4. Buying Motive

Answer: Observation

033) The purpose of ____________ is to give the copywriters and graphic artists the direction to come up with an effective ad.

  1. Creative Process
  2. Appeal
  3. Buying Motive
  4. Creative Brief

Answer: Creative Brief

034) Moral appeal attempts to draw audience attention to what is ___________.

  1. Wrong
  2. Right
  3. Bad
  4. Inappropriate

Answer: Right

035) In ___________ technique of visualization, the visualizer may observe the people at different places to generate ideas for the ad.

  1. Meditation
  2. Rough Layouts
  3. Observation
  4. Attribute Listing

Answer: Observation

036) _________ refers to a person who supports and recommends a product in the advertisement.

  1. Visualiser
  2. Copy Writer
  3. Art Director
  4. Endorsers

Answer: Endorsers

037) In the case of __________ products, a person may take a quick buying decision, even in the case of expensive products, when a stimulus is provided.

  1. Low Involvement
  2. First Hand
  3. High Involvement
  4. second Hand

Answer:High Involvement

038) In __________ technique of visualization, the visualizer may list out all possible attributes of the product and of the target prospect.

  1. Meditation
  2. Attribute Listing
  3. Observation
  4. Story Construction

Answer:Attribute Listing

039) ____________ refers to the intentions behind purchases.

  1. Appeal
  2. USP
  3. Selling Points
  4. Buying Motives

Answer: Buying Motives

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