Commerce 4 MCQ Collection (Semester 4 Part 4)

Commerce IV

Commerce IV

Commerce 4 Second Year B.Com Sem 4 MCQ Collection

01) IPO is a process through which a company can be listed on the stock market in ___________ market.

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Traditional
  4. Money

Answer: Primary

02) The _____________ gives gurantee for the minimum subscription.

  1. Auditors
  2. Speculators
  3. Investors
  4. Underwriters

Answer: Underwriters

03) ________ is made compulsory for the investors to trade on stock market

  1. PAN
  2. DIN
  3. TIN
  4. TAN

Answer: PAN

04) __________is a financial internmediary that pools savings of investors for collective investments in diversified portfolio of securities

  1. Bank
  2. Mutual Funds
  3. Financial Incentives
  4. Companies

Answer: Mutual Funds

05) Under _________schemes of mutual funds, the investors can invest at any point of time during the year.

  1. open- ended
  2. close-ended
  3. index
  4. interval

Answer: open- ended

06) Section _______________ offers tax rebate to investors in mutual funds.

  1. 88
  2. 80
  3. 80C
  4. 100

Answer: 80C

07) ____________ contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain date in future at a predetermined price

  1. Swap
  2. Option
  3. derivative
  4. Forward

Answer: Forward

08) ____________are investors who take a view on the future direction of the market.

  1. Marging traders
  2. Speculators
  3. Arbitrators
  4. Innovators

Answer: Speculators

09) Venture Capitalists provide funds to entrepreneurs with ______________.

  1. huge risk
  2. bank support
  3. innovative ideas
  4. strong desire

Answer: innovative ideas

10) Under _________schemes of mutual funds, the investors can invest at the time of initial issue.

  1. open- ended
  2. close-ended
  3. index
  4. interval

Answer: close-ended

11) Under section ____________ of Income Tax Act, investments in Equity Linked Saving Schemes are tax exempted upto Rs. 1.5 lakh.

  1. 88
  2. 80
  3. 80C
  4. 100

Answer: 80C

12) ___________________ is an investment vehicle offered bu mutual funds to investors.

  1. SIP
  2. LIP
  3. MIP
  4. DIP

Answer: SIP

13)________________ commodities market, the traders deal in mined materials.

  1. Hard
  2. Soft
  3. Tender
  4. Delicate

Answer: Hard

14) The Concept of Micro finance was first introduced by Mr. ____________

  1. Ratan Tata
  2. Muhammad Younus
  3. BhavishAgarwal
  4. MukeshAmbani

Answer: Muhammad Younus

15) Micro credit means small loans upto Rs. _________.

  1. 50000
  2. 5000
  3. 10000
  4. 15000

Answer: 50000

16) __________ are traded in commodities market.

  1. Equity shares
  2. Bonds
  3. Metals
  4. Preference shares

Answer: Metals

17) __________ is India’s first mutual fund.

  1. UTI
  2. LIC
  3. HDFC
  4. GIC

Answer: UTI

18) A self help group is an association of _________ people.

  1. rich
  2. poor
  3. middle class
  4. begars

Answer: poor

19) The first Grameen bank was launched in _________.

  1. Bangladesh
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. Nepal

Answer: Bangladesh

20) SHGs are a powerful instrument of ___________.

  1. urban development
  2. rural reconstruction
  3. poverty alleviation
  4. poverty growth

Answer: poverty alleviation

21) Commodity market is a type of _________ market.

  1. organised
  2. unorganised
  3. speculative
  4. weak

Answer: speculative

22) Micro finance schemes leads to women _________.

  1. cheating
  2. exploitation
  3. unemployment
  4. empowerment

Answer: empowerment

23) Derivative is a ________.

  1. negotiable intrument
  2. financial instrument
  3. payable instrument
  4. credit instrument

Answer: financial instrument

24) Over the Counter trading is done under _____________ contract.

  1. Negotiable
  2. Forward
  3. Future
  4. Floor

Answer: Forward

25) Angel investors are often ____________ entrepreneurs.

  1. shy
  2. idle
  3. retired
  4. weak

Answer: retired

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