Foundational Course - Contemporary Issues 4 MCQ Collection (Semester 4 Part 4)

Foundational Course - Contemporary Issues IV

Foundational Course - Contemporary Issues IV

Foundational Course - Contemporary Issues 4 Second Year B.Com Sem 4 MCQ Collection

01) In ----- gurantees time bound delivery of public services.

  1. Right to Inspect
  2. Right to educate
  3. Right to vote
  4. Right to public service

Answer: Right to public service

02) RTI has given ------- platform to fight for getting any kind of information from government.

  1. Blended mode
  2. E Mail
  3. Offline
  4. Online

Answer: Online

03) RTI has information storing and ------ system.

  1. LASER tracking
  2. Satellite tracking
  3. Political tracking
  4. Electronic Tracking

Answer: Electronic Tracking

04) RTI is an effective weapon against Corruption----- & feevouritism

  1. Communalism
  2. Castism
  3. Nepotism
  4. Linguism

Answer: Nepotism

05) At income tax Departments ------ is enerally appointed

  1. CPO
  2. SIPO
  3. CPIO
  4. WTO

Answer: CPIO

06) Chairperson of RTI is -------- of India

  1. Prime minster
  2. Corporater
  3. President
  4. Commitionar

Answer: President

07) In India Citizens Charter were impleemented in the year ------

  1. 1999
  2. 1997
  3. 2000
  4. 2022

Answer: 1997

08) In India Ctizens  Charter orservice first act was first time introduced in ----- sector

  1. Railway
  2. Banking
  3. Housing
  4. Industrial

Answer: Banking

09) The concept of Citizens Charter was first introduced and implemented in ------in the year 1991

  1. Europe
  2. United Kingdom
  3. India
  4. Russia

Answer: United Kingdom

10) The  period of -------- goals can range from 3 to 5 years

  1. Mediun Term
  2. Short Term
  3. No Terms
  4. Long Terms

Answer: Long Term

11) ------Goals are easily achivebale by any individual

  1. Economic
  2. Esteem
  3. Political
  4. Physical

Answer: Physical

12) Herbicides, Acquaculture and Production of variety of Coloured flowers has became possible due to --------

  1. Aeromatherapy
  2. Genetherpy
  3. Midicaltherpy
  4. Massajtherapy

Answer: Genetherphy

13) In automobiles small ---- special windows are fixed.

  1. Voltage
  2. Volotile
  3. Violation
  4. Black glass

Answer: Voltage

14) A oerson needs to ne resourceful & creative in problem solving is ----- skill

  1. Working
  2. leadership
  3. Mental
  4. Listening Organs

Answer: leadership

15) To get anywork done and get inspiration , builts your ------- confidance

  1. Time
  2. Esteem
  3. Self
  4. Economic strength

Answer: Self

16) ------- ability refers to personalised task completion and good work ethics.

  1. Stress management
  2. Skill management
  3. Cost management
  4. Time management

Answer: Time management

17) An ability to inspect the meaning in numbers and mathematucs is--------

  1. Quntitetive ability
  2. Qulitetive ability
  3. Personal ability
  4. Ledership ability

Answer: Quntitetive ability

18) Recognition among family and friends meets --------- of human being

  1. Physical need
  2. Esteem need
  3. Social needs.
  4. Political

Answer: Social needs.

19) ------ needs  is at  hight level and difficult to achive in Maslow's therory

  1. Selfish
  2. Self-actualisation
  3. Self motivated
  4. Estemm needs

Answer: Self-actualisation

20) Fulfillment of better status and praising by others bevelops----- needs

  1. Social
  2. Physiological
  3. Economic
  4. Esteem

Answer: Esteem

21) According to Maslow, there are very few people reach to -------- stage

  1. Self motivated
  2. Selfish
  3. Self-actualisation
  4. Self understanding

Answer: Self-actualisation

22) In SMART Goal setting 'R' stands for------

  1. Rememberable
  2. Realistic
  3. Recoverable
  4. Realible

Answer: Realistic

23) Soft skills are personal -------- that enhances individual interaction

  1. Attributes
  2. Attitude
  3. Alternative
  4. Association

Answer: attributes

24) Extinsic motivation requies ------ from outside

  1. Stimuli
  2. Radiation
  3. Emmission
  4. Person

Answer: Stimuli

25) ------ refers to motivation from inside the human body.

  1. Teachers motivation
  2. Instrinsic motivation
  3. Indidual motivation
  4. Extrinsic motivation

Answer: Instrinsic motivation

26) Intrinsic motivation  is totally depends on -----

  1. Crowed
  2. Individual
  3. Man's
  4. Son's

Answer: Individual

27) ------ are the actual working and performing in certain type of task or activitiy

  1. My skills
  2. Soft skills
  3. Hard-skills
  4. Communication skills

Answer: Hard-skills

28) ERG theory of motivation is put forward by -----

  1. Newton
  2. Neha Kumar
  3. Calyton Alderfer
  4. Maslow

Answer: Calyton Alderfer

29) Goals are important because they give us a sense of beloging to active ---- in life.

  1. Default
  2. Downfall
  3. Problems
  4. Success

Answer: Success

30) E mail Spoofing, E mail bombing  are considered as misuse of ------ technology

  1. Apace
  2. Satellite
  3. LASER
  4. Computer

Answer: Computer

31) Cloning a baby or a sheep is misuse of ------ engineering

  1. Biotic
  2. Feminic
  3. Genetic
  4. mecahnical

Answer: Genetic

32) Civil Services Examination are for getting jobs in ---- sector

  1. public
  2. private
  3. corporate
  4. Administrative

Answer: public

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