11th Biology MCQ Collection


11th Biology MCQ

Biology 11th Standard Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

1) Which is not a property of living being?

A) Metabolism
B) Decay
C) Growth
D) Reproduction

Ans : Decay

2) A particular plant is strictly seasonal plant. Which one of the following is best suited if it is to be studied in the laboratory?

A) Herbarium
B) Museum
C) Botanical garden
D) Flower exhibition

Ans : Herbarium

3) A group of students found two cockroaches in the classroom. They had a debate whether they are alive or dead. Which life property will help them to do so?

A) Metabolism
B) Growth
C) Irritability
D) Reproduction

Ans : Irritability

4) Which of the following shows single stranded RNA and lacks protein coat?

A) Bacteriophage
B) Plant virus
C) Viroid
D) Animal virus

Ans : Viroid

5) Causative agent of red tide is ______.

A) Dinoflagellate
B) Euglenoid
C) Chrysophyte
D) Lichen

Ans : Dinoflagellate

6) Select odd one out for Heterotrophic bacteria.

A) Nitrogen fixing bacteria
B) Lactobacilli
C) Methanogens
D) Cyanobacteria

Ans : Methanogens

7) Paramoecium : Ciliated Protist Plasmodium : ____________

A) Amoeboid protozoan
B) Ciliophora
C) Flagellate protozoan
D) Sporozoan

Ans : Sporozoan

8) Which is the dominant phase in Pteridophytes?

A) Capsule
B) Gametophyte
C) Sporophyte
D) Embryo

Ans : Sporophyte

9) The tallest living gymnosperm among the following is ______.

A) Sequoia sempervirens
B) Taxodium mucronatum
C) Zamia pygmaea
D) Ginkgo biloba

Ans : Sequoia sempervirens

10) In Bryophytes ______.

A) Sporophyte and gametophyte generation are independent
B) Sporophyte is partially dependent upon gametophyte
C) Gametophyte is dependent upon Sporophyte
D) Ginlgo biloba

Ans : Sporophyte is partially dependent upon gametophyte

11) A characteristic of Angiosperm is ______.

A) Colloteral vascular bundles
B) Radial vascular bundles
C) Seed formation
D) Double fertilization

Ans : Double fertilization

12) Angiosperms and Gymnosperms resemble in having ______.

A) Vessels in wood
B) Mode of nutrition
C) Siphonogamy
D) Nature of seed

Ans : Siphonogamy

13) Which of the following belongs to a minor phylum?

A) Comb jelly
B) Jelly fish
C) Herdmania
D) Salpa

Ans : Comb jelly

14) Select the animal having venous heart.

A) Crocodile
B) Salamander
C) Rohu
D) Toad

Ans : Rohu

15) In Ascaris, ___________.

A) Mesoglea is present
B) Endoderm is a discontinuous layer
C) Mesoderm is present in patches
D) Body cavity is absent

Ans : Mesoderm is present in patches

16) Which of the following is incorrect in case of birds?

A) Presence of teeth
B) Presence of scales
C) Nucleated RBCs
D) Hollow bones

Ans : Presence of teeth

17) Chitinous exoskeleton is a characteristic of ___________.

A) Dentalium
B) Antedon
C) Millipede
D) Sea urchin

Ans : Millipede

18) Growth of cell wall during cell elongation take place by ______.

A) Apposition
B) Intussusception
C) Both a & b
D) Superposition

Ans : Intussusception

19) Cell Membrane is composed of ______.

A) Proteins and cellulose
B) Proteins and Phospholipid
C) Proteins and carbohydrates
D) Proteins, Phospholipid and some carbohydrates

Ans : Proteins, Phospholipid and some carbohydrates

20) Plasma membrane is Fluid-structure due to presence of ______

A) Carbohydrates
B) Lipid
C) Glycoprotein
D) Polysaccharide

Ans : Lipid

21) Cell Wall is present in

A) Plant cell
B) Prokaryotic cell
C) Algal cell
D) All of the above

Ans : All of the above

22) Plasma membrane is ______.

A) Selectively permeable
B) Permeable
C) Impermeable
D) Semipermeable

Ans : Selectively permeable

23) Mitochondria DNA is.

A) Naked
B) Circular
C) Double-stranded
D) All of the above

Ans : All of the above

24) Lysosomes are not help full in ______.

A) Osteogenesis
B) Cellular digestion
C) Metamorphosis
D) Lipogenesis

Ans : Lipogenesis

25) Which of the following set of organelles contain DNA?

A) Mitochondria, Peroxysome
B) Plasma membrane, ribosome
C) Mitochondria, chloroplast
D) Chloroplast, dictyosome

Ans : Mitochondria, chloroplast

26) Golgi body is absent in

A) Prokaryotes
B) Mature mammalian RBC
C) Akaryotes
D) All of the above

Ans : All of the above

27) Sugar, amino acids and nucleotides unite to their respective subunits to form ______.

A) Bioelements
B) Micromolecules
C) Macromolecules
D) All of these

Ans : Micromolecules

28) Glycosidic bond is found in ______.

A) Disaccharide
B) Nucleosides
C) Polysaccharide
D) All of these

Ans : All of these

29) Amino acids in a polypeptide are joined by _____ bond.

A) Disulphide
B) Glycosidic
C) Hydrogen bond
D) None of these

Ans : None of these

30) Lipids associated with cell membrane are ______.

A) Spingomyelin
B) Isoprenoids
C) Phospolipids
D) Cholesterol

Ans : Phospolipids

31) Linoleic, Linolenic and _______ acids are referred as essential fatty acids since they cannot be synthesized by the body and hence must be included in daily diet.

A) Arachidonic
B) Oleic
C) Steric
D) Palmitic

Ans : Arachidonic

32) Haemoglobin is a type of ______ protein, which plays indispensible part in respiration.

A) Simple
B) Derived
C) Conjugated
D) Complex

Ans : Conjugated

33) When inorganic ions or Metallo-organic molecules bind to apoenzyme, they together form ______.

A) Isoenzyme
B) Holoenzyme
C) Denatured enzyme
D) None of these

Ans : Holoenzyme

34) In enzyme kinetics, Km= Vmax/2. If Km value is lower, it indicates ______.

A) Enzyme has less affinity for substrate
B) Enzyme has higher affinity towards substrate
C) There will be no product formation
D) All active sites of enzyme are saturated.

Ans : Enzyme has higher affinity towards substrate

35) The connecting link between Meiosis-I and Meiosis-II is ______.

A) Interphase - I
B) Interphase - II
C) Interkinesis
D) Anaphase - I

Ans : Interkinesis

36) Synapsis is pairing of ______.

A) Any two chromosomes
B) Non-homologous chromosomes
C) Sister chromatids
D) Homologous chromosomes

Ans : Homologous chromosomes

37) Spindle apparatus is formed during which stage of mitosis?

A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase

Ans : Metaphase

38) Chromosome number of a cell is almost doubled up during ______.

A) G1 - phase
B) S - phase
C) G2 - phase
D) G0 - phase

Ans : S - phase

39) How many meiotic divisions are necessary for the formation of 80 sperms?

A) 80
B) 40
C) 20
D) 10

Ans : 20

40) How many chromatides are present in anaphase-I of meiosis-I of a diploid cell having 20 chromosomes?

A) 4
B) 6
C) 20
D) 40

Ans : 40

41) In which of the following phase of mitosis chromosomes are arranged at the equatorial plane?

A) Prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) Telophase

Ans : Metaphase

42) Find incorrect statement.

A) Condensation of chromatin material occurs in prophase.
B) Daughter chromatids are formed in anaphase
C) Daughter nuclei are formed at metaphase.
D) Nuclear membrane reappears in telophase.

Ans : Daughter nuclei are formed at metaphase.

43) Histone proteins are synthesized during ______.

A) G1 phase
B) S - phase
C) G2 phase
D) Interphase

Ans : S - phase

44) Location or position of meristematic regions is divided into ______ types.

A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) None of the above

Ans : Three

45) Cambium is also called ______.

A) Apical meristem
B) Intercalary meristem
C) Lateral meristem
D) None of the above

Ans : Lateral meristem

46) Collenchyma is a type of ______ tissue.

A) Living
B) Dead
C) Living and dead
D) None of the above

Ans : Living

47) ______ is a complex permanent tissue.

A) Parenchyma
B) Sclerenchyma
C) Chlorenchyma
D) Xylem

Ans : Xylem
48) Mesophyll tissue is present in ______.

A) Root
B) Stem
C) Leaf
D) Flower

Ans : Leaf

49) Which one of the following will grow better in moist and shady region?

A) Opuntia
B) Orchid
C) Mangroove
D) Lotus

Ans : Orchid

50) ________ is a gland which is both exocrine and endocrine.

A) Sebaceous
B) Mammary
C) Pancreas
D) Pituitary

Ans : Pancreas




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