Chemistry MCQ | HSC Maharashtra Board


Chemistry MCQ | HSC

Chemistry HSC Maharastra Board Multiple Choice Question With Answer 

1) The following types of solids contain molecules as constituent particles?

A) Molecular solids
B) Lonic solids
C) Metallic solids
D) Covalent network solids

Ans : Molecular solids

2) The following crystal systems contain 4 Bravais lattices?

A) Cubic
B) Tetragonal
C) Orthorhombic
D) Monoclinic

Ans : Orthorhombic

3) An octahedral void is surrounded by ________.

A) 4 spheres
B) 3 spheres
C) 8 spheres
D) 6 spheres

Ans : 6 spheres

4) Which of the following is an amorphous solid?

A) Copper sulphate
B) Magnesium
C) Tar
D) Diamond

Ans : Tar

5) A paired cation-anion vacancy is called _______.

A) Schottky defect
B) Frenkel defect
C) Impurity defect
D) Vacancy defect

Ans : Schottky defect

6) The unit cell of a simple cubic system has atoms at the eight corners. Hence, number of atoms in a unit cell is ______.

A) 8
B) 3
C) 1
D) 2

Ans : 1

7) In crystal lattice formed by primitive unit cell, the space occupied by particles is ______.

A) 47.6%
B) 52.4%
C) 32%
D) 68%

Ans : 52.4%

8) The coordination number of spheres in hcp lattice in three dimension is ______.

A) 2
B) 6
C) 4
D) 12

Ans : 6

9) A compound is made up of two elements X and Y and crystallizes in bcc structure. Atoms of X are present at the corners of the cube. Atoms of Y are present at the centre of the cube. The formula of the compound is ______.

A) X2Y
C) XY2
D) X2Y3

Ans : XY

10) Sodium crystallizes in bcc structure. If the edge length of unit cell is 4.3 × 10-8 cm, the radius of Na atom is ______.

A) 1.86 × 10-8 cm
B) 1.52 × 10-8 cm
C) 2.15 × 10-8 cm
D) 4.3 × 10-8 cm

Ans : 1.86 × 10-8 cm

11) Sugar dissolves in water because ______.

A) Sugar is nonpolar
B) Water is polar
C) It forms hydrogen bonding with water
D) Sugar and water are both polar

Ans : It forms hydrogen bonding with water

12) The solubility of a gas in water ______.

A) Decreases with increase in temperature
B) Increases with increase in temperature
C) Decreases with decrease in temperature
D) Is not affected by temperature

Ans : Decreases with increase in temperature

13) The units of Henry’s law constant are ______.

A) Bar dm3 mol–1
B) Mol L–1 bar–1
C) L mol–1 bar–1
D) Bar L–1 mol–1

Ans : Mol L–1 bar–1

14) The colligative properties of solutions _______.

A) Depend on nature of solute particles
B) Do not depend on number of solute particles
C) Do not depend on dissociation of solute in solvent
D) Depend on number of solute particles

Ans : Depend on number of solute particles

15) The following solution/solvent has maximum vapour pressure _______.

A) 1 M copper sulphate solution
B) Pure solvent water
C) 0.5 M copper sulphate solution
D) 2 M copper sulphate solution

Ans : Pure solvent water

16) According to Raoult’s law, relative lowering of vapour pressure of solution containing dissolved nonvolatile solute _______.

A) Is equal to mole fraction of solvent
B) Is equal to mole fraction of solute
C) Does not depend on mole fraction of solute
D) Is equal to molality of solution

Ans : Is equal to mole fraction of solute

17) Freezing point depression constant of a solvent is _______.

A) Inversely proportional to molality of solution
B) Directly proportional to molarity of solution
C) Dependent on molality of solution
D) Xpressed in K kg mol–1

Ans : Xpressed in K kg mol–1

 18) The theory which explain amphoteric nature of water is ______.

A) Arrhenius theory
B) Lewis theory
C) Ostwald theory
D) Bronsted-Lowry theory

Ans : Bronsted-Lowry theory

19) An intensive property amongst the following is ______.

A) Mass
B) Volume
C) Number of moles
D) Temperature

Ans : Temperature

20) The value of 1dm3 bar is ______.

A) 10 J
B) 102 J
C) 103 J
D) 10-2 J

Ans : 102 J

21) The work done in the dm3 bar when 200 mL of ethylene gas and 150 mL of HCl gas were allowed to react at 1 bar pressure is ______.

A) 0.10
B) 0.15
C) 0.20
D) 0.2

Ans : 0.15

22) The work done in vacuum when 300 m mole of an ideal gas expands until its volume is increased by 2.3 dm3 at 1 bar pressure is ______ mole.

A) Zero
B) One
C) Two
D) Three

Ans : Zero

23) For an Isothermal process

A) W = - Q
B) ∆U = W
C) ∆U = Q + W
D) ∆U = Q

Ans : W = - Q

24) For an Isochoric process

A) ∆U = 0
B) ∆V = 0
C) ∆P = 0
D) Q = 0

Ans : ∆V = 0

25) Kohlrausch law is applicable for the solution _______.

A) At infinite dilution
B) A concentrated solution
C) Concentrated as well as dilute solution
D) Aqueous solution

Ans : At infinite dilution

26) SI unit of conductivity is _______.

A) Ω-1 m-1
B) Ω cm-1
C) Ω m-1
D) Ω-1 m2 mol-1

Ans : Ω-1 m-1

27) In construction of Standard Hydrogen Electrode, platinum acts as ______.

A) Inert electrode
B) Positive ion producing electrode
C) Negative ion producing electrode
D) Null electrode

Ans : Inert electrode

28) When molten ionic compound is electrolyzed, a metal is formed at _______.

A) Negative electrode
B) Positive electrode
C) Salt bridge
D) Electrolyte

Ans : Negative electrode

29) A First order reaction is 50% complete in 69.3 minutes. Time required for 90% completion for the same reaction is _______.

A) 230.3 min
B) 100 min
C) 230 min
D) 125 min

Ans : 230.3 min

30) Rate constant of a reaction is 3.6 × 10–3 s–1. The order of reaction is ______.

A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Zero

Ans : First

32) The rate law relates to the rate of a chemical reaction in terms of _______.

A) Concentration of catalyst
B) Temperature
C) Potential energy
D) Mol/L of reactants

Ans : Mol/L of reactants

33) Order of reaction for which unit of rate constant is mol dm–3 s–1 is _______.

A) 1
B) 3
C) 0
D) 2

Ans : 0

34) The rate of catalysed reaction is large than the uncatalysed reaction as _______.

A) Ea is larger
B) Ea is lower
C) Ea is same
D) Threshold energy is absent

Ans : Ea is lower

35) Effect of catalyst in a chemical reaction is to change the _______.

A) Activation energy
B) Equilibrium concentration
C) Final products
D) Heat of a reaction

Ans : Activation energy

36) In chlorous acid, oxidation state of chlorine is _______.

A) +2
B) +4
C) +3
D) +7

Ans : +3

37) Acidic strength of halogen acids increases in the order of _______.

A) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
B) HCl > HF > HBr > HI
C) HBr > HCl > HF > HI
D) HI > HBr > HCl > HF

Ans : HI > HBr > HCl > HF

38) Sulfur dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to form _______.

A) Sodium sulfite
B) Sodium sulfate
C) Sodium hydrogen sulfite
D) Sodium hydrogen sulfate

Ans : Sodium sulfite

39) The gas evolved when sulfuric acid reacts with copper metal _______.

A) Sulfur dioxide
B) Sulfur trioxide
C) Nitrogen dioxide
D) Nitrogen trioxide

Ans : Sulfur dioxide

40) Hot and concentrated alkali NaOH reacts with chlorine to form _______.

A) Only chlorate
B) Only hypochlorite
C) Chloride and chlorate
D) Chloride and hypochlorite

Ans : Chloride and chlorate

41) When SO2 is passed through an aqueous solution of I2, the solution becomes _______.

A) Ruby red
B) Colourless
C) Violet
D) Yellowish green

Ans : Colourless

42) O2 molecule is ______.

A) Ferromagnetic
B) Diamagnetic
C) Paramagnetic
D) Ferrimagnetic

Ans : Paramagnetic

43) The number of covalent bonds present in sulfuric acid:

A) 4
B) 6
C) 8
D) 2

Ans : 6

44) In interhalogen compounds, which of the following halogens is never the central atom?

A) I
B) Cl
C) Br
D) F

Ans : F

45) Transition elements have more tendency to form interstitial compounds because _______.

A) Of defect in their crystal lattice
B) They have reducing property
C) They have low ionization enthalpy
D) They have same atomic size

Ans : Of defect in their crystal lattice

46) Zinc does NOT show variable valency because of ______.

A) Complete 4s subshell
B) Complete d subshell
C) Incomplete d subshell
D) Incomplete S subshell

Ans : Complete d subshell

47) The atomic number of transuranium elements starts from _______.

A) 89 – 103
B) 90 – 103
C) 91 – 103
D) 93 – 103

Ans : 93 – 103

48) The following pair of elements has half-filled d-orbitals.

A) Chromium and cobalt
B) Manganese and nickel
C) Chromium and manganese
D) Cobalt and nickel

Ans : Chromium and manganese

49) Amongst the following, the ambidentate ligand is ____________

A) Ethylene diamine
B) Oxalate ion
C) Chloride ion
D) Cyanide ion

Ans : Cyanide ion

50) The IUPAC name of Na3[AlF6] is _____________

A) Hexa fluorosodiumaluminate
B) Sodium hexafluoroaluminate(III)
C) Sodium hexafluoroaluminate(II)
D) Sodium hexafluoroaluminium(III)

Ans : Sodium hexafluoroaluminate(III)


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