Mathematicals And Statistical Techniques
F.Y.B.COM Mathematicals And Statistical Techniques Multiple Choice Questions With Answers
1) Coefficient of correlation explains .........................of the relationship between two variables.
A) DegreeB) DirectionC) Both of the aboveD) None of the above
Ans : Both of the above
2) For perfect correlation, the coefficient of correlation should be ..........................
A) ± 1B) + 1C) – 1D) 0
Ans : ± 1
3) Rank correlation coefficient was discovered by....................................
A) FisherB) SpearmanC) Karl PearsonD) Bowley
Ans : Spearman
4) The rank correlation coefficient is always............................
A) + 1B) – 1C) 0D) Between + 1 and – 1
Ans : Between + 1 and – 1
5) Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient is usually denoted by....................
A) kB) rC) SD) R
Ans : R
6) Probable error is used to:
A) Test the reliability of correlation coefficientB) Measure the error in correlation coefficientC) Both a an bD) None of these
Ans : Test the reliability of correlation coefficient
7) If coefficient of correlation is more than ................of its P E, correlation is significant.
A) 2 timesB) 5 timesC) 6 timesD) 10 times
Ans : 6 times
8) In correlation analysis, Probable Error = ........................ x 0.6745
A) Standard deviationB) Standard errorC) Coefficient of correlationD) None of these
Ans : Standard error
9) Coefficient of concurrent deviation depends on .......................
A) The signs of the deviationsB) The magnitude of the deviationsC) Bothe a and bD) None of these
Ans : The signs of the deviations
10) Correlation analysis between two sets of data only is called....................
A) Partial correlationB) Multiple correlationC) Nonsense correlationD) Simple correlation
Ans : Simple correlation
11) Correlation analysis between one dependent variable with one independent variable by keeping the other independent variables as constant is called......................
A) Partial correlationB) Multiple correlationC) Nonsense correlationD) Simple correlation
Ans : Partial correlation
12) Study of correlation among three or more variables simultaneously is called.............
A) Partial correlationB) Multiple correlationC) Nonsense correlationD) Simple correlation
Ans : Multiple correlation
13) If r = 0.8, coefficient of determination is.....................................
A) 80%B) 8%C) 64%D) 0.8%
Ans : 64%
14) If r is the simple correlation coefficient, the quantity r2 is known as ...................
A) Coefficient of determinationB) Coefficient of non-determinationC) Coefficient of alienationD) None of these
Ans : Coefficient of determination
15) If r is the simple correlation coefficient, the quantity 1 -- r2 is known as ...................
A) Coefficient of determinationB) Coefficient of non-determinationC) Coefficient of alienationD) None of these
Ans : Coefficient of non-determination
16) The term regression was first used by..........................
A) Karl PearsonB) SpearmanC) R A FisherD) Francis Galton
Ans : Francis Galton
17) ....................refers to analysis of average relationship between two variables to provide mechanism for prediction.
A) CorrelationB) RegressionC) Standard errorD) None of these
Ans : Regression
18) If there are two variables, there can be at most............................... number of regression lines.
A) OneB) TwoC) ThreeD) Infinite
Ans : Two
19) If the regression line is Y on X, then the variable X is known as..........................
A) Independent variableB) Explanatory variableC) RegressorD) All the above
Ans : All the above
20) Regression line is also called.................................
A) Estimating equationB) Prediction equationC) Line of average relationshipD) All the above
Ans : All the above
21) If the regression line is X on Y, then the variable X is known as..........................
A) Dependent variableB) Explained variableC) Both a and bD) Regressor
Ans : Both a and b
22) If the regression line is X on Y, then the variable X is known as..........................
A) Dependent variableB) Independent variableC) Bothe a and bD) None of the above
Ans : Dependent variable
23) If the regression line is Y on X, then the variable X is known as..........................
A) Dependent variableB) Independent variableC) Both a and bD) None of the above
Ans : None of the above
24) The point of intersection of two regression lines is..........................
A) (0,0)B) (1,1)C) (x,y)D) (x̄, ӯ)
Ans : (x̄, ӯ)
25) If r = ± 1, the two regression lines are...............................
A) CoincidentB) ParallelC) Perpendicular to each otherD) None of these
Ans : Coincident
26) Which one of the following is not a right of shareholders?
A) To receive a dividend declared by the companyB) To attend and vote a meetingsC) To receive the company’s accountsD) To manage company’s affairs
Ans : To manage company’s affairs
27) Which among the following is printed on the share certificate?
A) Market valueB) Face valueC) Both Aand BD) No any value is printed on the share certificate
Ans : Face value
28) A company declared an annual dividend of 7%. What is annual dividend of Mr. Mehta if he owns 250 shares of company of face value ₹100 each. (Face value of 250 shares= ₹25000)
A) 1750B) 20C) 250D) 2000
Ans : 1750
29) A dice is thrown what is probability of getting an even prime number
A) 1/6B) 1C) 1/3D) ½
Ans : 1/6
30) If P(A)= 0.4, P(B)= 0.6 and P(A ꓵB) = 0.24 then what is P(A/B)
A) 0B) 0.6C) 1D) 0.4
Ans : 1
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