Physics MCQ | HSC Maharashtra Board



Physics MCQ | HSC

Physics HSC Maharastra Board Multiple Choice Question With Answer

1) A diver in a swimming pool bends his head before diving. It ______

A) Increases his linear velocity
B) Decreases his angular velocity
C) Increases his moment of inertia
D) Decreases his moment of inertia

Ans : Decreases his moment of inertia

 2) The angular momentum of a system of particles is conserved ______

A) When no external force acts upon the system
B) When no external torque acts upon the system
C) When no external impulse acts upon the system
D) When the axis of rotation remains the same

Ans : When no external torque acts upon the system

 3) A stone is tied to one end of a string. Holding the other end, the string is whirled in a horizontal plane with progressively increasing speed. It breaks at some speed because ______

A) The gravitational forces of the earth are greater than the tension in the string
B) The required centripetal force is greater than the tension sustained by the string
C) The required centripetal force is lesser than the tension in the string
D) The centripetal force is greater than the weight of the stone

Ans : The required centripetal force is greater than the tension sustained by the string

4) The moment of inertia of a circular loop of radius R, at a distance of R/2 around a rotating axis parallel to horizontal diameter of the loop is ______

A) ½ MR2
B) ¾ MR2
C) MR2
D) 2MR2

Ans : ¾ MR2

5) A 500 kg car takes a round turn of the radius of 50m with a velocity of 36 km/hr. The centripetal force is ______

A) 250N
B) 750N
C) 1000N
D) 1200N

Ans : 1000N

6) A string of length ℓ fixed at one end carries a mass m at the other. The string makes 2/π revolutions/sec around the vertical axis through the fixed end. The tension in the string is ______

A) 2 ml
B) 4 ml
C) 8 ml
D) 16 ml

Ans : 16 ml

7) Insect moves over the surface of water because of ______

A) Elasticity
B) Surface tension
C) Friction
D) Viscosity

Ans : Surface tension

8) The water droplets are spherical in free fall due to ______

A) Gravity
B) Intermolecular attraction
C) Surface tension
D) Viscosity

Ans : Gravity

9) The surface tension of a liquid at critical temperature is ______

A) Infinity
B) Zero
C) Same as any other temperature
D) Can not be determined

Ans : Zero

10) Unit of the coefficient of viscosity is ______

A) Ns/m
B) Ns2/m
C) Ns2/m2
D) Ns/m2

Ans : Ns/m2

11) Two capillary tubes of radii 0.6 cm and 0.3 cm are dipped in the same liquid. The ratio of heights through which the liquid will rise in the tubes is ______

A) 2:1
B) 1:2
C) 4:1
D) 1:4

Ans : 1:2

12) Two stones with radii 1:2 fall from a great height through the atmosphere. Their terminal velocities are in the ratio ______

A) 2:1
B) 1:4
C) 4:1
D) 1:2

Ans : 1:4

13) The average energy per molecule is proportional to ______

A) The pressure of the gas
B) The volume of the gas
C) The absolute temperature of the gas
D) The mass of the gas

Ans : The absolute temperature of the gas

14) The number of degrees of freedom, for the vibrational motion of a polyatomic molecule, depends on the ______

A) Geometric structure of the molecule
B) Mass of the molecule
C) The energy of the molecule
D) The absolute temperature of the molecule

Ans : Geometric structure of the molecule

15) The power radiated by a perfect blackbody depends only on its ______

A) Material
B) Nature of surface
C) Colour
D) Temperature

Ans : Temperature

16) If the absolute temperature of a body is doubled, the power radiated will increase by a factor of ______

A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 16

Ans : 16

17) Calculate the value of λmax for radiation from a body having a surface temperature of 3000 K. (b = 2.897 x 10-3 m K)

A) 9935 Å
B) 9656 Å
C) 9421 Å
D) 9178 Å

Ans : 9656 Å

18) Calculate the energy radiated in one minute by a blackbody of surface area 200 cm2 at 127 °C (σ = 5.7 x 10-8 J m-2 s-1 K-4) 

A) 1367.04 J
B) 1698.04 J
C) 1751.04 J
D) 1856.04 J

Ans : 1751.04 J

19) Which of the following is correct, when the energy is transferred to a system from its environment?

A) System gains energy
B) System loses energy
C) System releases energy
D) The system does not exchange energy

Ans : System gains energy

20) Which of the following system freely allows the exchange of energy and matter with its environment?

A) Closed
B) Isolated
C) Open
D) Partially closed

Ans : Open

21) Two systems at the same temperature are said to be in ______

A) Chemical equilibrium
B) Thermal equilibrium
C) Mechanical equilibrium
D) Electrical equilibrium

Ans : Thermal equilibrium

22) For work done to be reversible, the process should be ______

A) Cyclic
B) Isobaric
C) Isochoric
D) Adiabatic

Ans : Adiabatic

23) The second law of thermodynamics deals with the transfer of ______

A) Work done
B) Energy
C) Momentum
D) Heat

Ans : Heat

24) Heating a gas in a constant volume container is an example of which process?

A) Isochoric
B) Adiabatic
C) Isobaric
D) Cyclic

Ans : Isochoric

25) A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed. Its motion is ______

A) Periodic and simple harmonic
B) Non-periodic
C) Periodic but not simple harmonic
D) Non-periodic but simple harmonic

Ans : Periodic but not simple harmonic

26) Acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. at its mean position.

A) Is infinity
B) Varies
C) Is maximum
D) Is zero

Ans : Is zero

27) In a second’s pendulum, the mass of Bob is 50 g. If it is replaced by 100 g mass, then its period will be ______. 

A) 1 s
B) 2 s
C) 3 s
D) 4 s

Ans : 2 s

28) The maximum speed of a particle executing S.H.M. is 10 m/s and maximum acceleration is 31.4 m/s2. Its periodic time is ______

A) 1 s
B) 2 s
C) 4 s
D) 6 s

Ans : 2 s

29) When the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is half of its amplitude, its P.E. is 3 J. Its total energy is ______

A) 6 J
B) 12 J
C) 15 J
D) 20 J

Ans : 12 J

30) A standing wave is produced on a string fixed at one end with the other end free. The length of the string ______

A) Must be an odd integral multiple of λ
B) Must be an odd integral multiple of λ/2
C) Must be an odd integral multiple of λ/4
D) Must be an even integer multiple of λ

Ans : Must be an odd integral multiple of λ/4

31) The equation of a simple harmonic progressive wave is given by, y = 5 cos π [200t – x/150], where x and y are in cm and ‘t’ is in second. Then the velocity of the wave is ______

A) 2 m/s
B) 150 m/s
C) 200 m/s
D) 300 m/s

Ans : 200 m/s

32) In the law of tension, the fundamental frequency of the vibrating string is, ______  

A) Inversely proportional to the square root of tension
B) Directly proportional to the square of tension
C) Directly proportional to the square root of tension
D) Inversely proportional to the density

Ans : Directly proportional to the square root of tension

33) The integral multiple of fundamental frequencies are ______

A) Beats
B) Resonance
C) Overtones
D) Harmonics

Ans : Harmonics

34) An organ pipe of length 0.4 m is open at both ends. The speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s. The fundamental frequency is ______

A) 405 Hz
B) 415 Hz
C) 425 Hz
D) 435 Hz

Ans : 425 Hz

35) When light travels from an optically rarer medium to an optically denser medium, the speed decreases because of change in ______

A) Wavelength
B) Frequency
C) Amplitude
D) Phase

Ans : Wavelength

36) Light follows wave nature because ______

A) Light rays travel in a straight line
B) Light exhibits the phenomenon of reflection and refraction
C) Light exhibits the phenomenon of interference
D) Light causes the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect

Ans : Light exhibits the phenomenon of interference

37) Which of the following cannot produce two coherent sources?

A) Lloyd’s mirror
B) Fresnel biprism
C) Young’s double-slit
D) Prism

Ans : Prism

38) The bending of a beam of light around corners of obstacle is called ______

A) Reflection
B) Diffraction
C) Refraction
D) Interference

Ans : Diffraction

39) Kirchhoff’s second law (voltage law) is based on ______

A) Conservation of charge
B) Conservation of mass
C) Conservation of energy
D) Conservation of momentum

Ans : Conservation of energy

40) The SI unit of the potential gradient is ______ 

A) V/cm
B) V-m
C) V/m
D) V-cm

Ans : V/m

41) The instrument which can measure terminal potential difference as well as electromotive force (emf) is ______

A) Wheatstone’s meter bridge
B) Voltmeter
C) Potentiometer
D) Galvanometer

Ans : Potentiometer

42) When the null point is obtained in the potentiometer, the current is drawn from the ______ 

A) Main battery
B) Cell battery
C) Both main and cell battery
D) Neither main nor cell battery

Ans : Main battery

43) If the potential gradient of a wire decreases, then its length ______ 

A) Remains constant
B) Decreases
C) Increases
D) None of the above

Ans : Increases

44) According to the right-hand rule, the direction of magnetic induction if the current is directed in an anticlockwise direction is ______  

A) Perpendicular and inwards
B) Perpendicular and outwards
C) Same as current
D) Opposite to that of current

Ans : Perpendicular and outwards

45) A strong magnetic field is applied to a stationary electron. Then the electron ______

A) Moves in the direction of the field
B) Remained stationary
C) Moves perpendicular to the direction of the field
D) Moves opposite to the direction of the field

Ans : Remained stationary

46) The force between two parallel current-carrying conductors is F. If the current in each conductor is doubled, then the force between them becomes ______ 

A) 4F
B) 2F
C) F
D) F/4

Ans : 4F

47) Which of the following is not a unit of magnetic induction?

A) Guass
B) Tesla
C) Oersted
D) Wb/m2

Ans : Oersted

48) The magnetic dipole moment of the current loop is independent of ______

A) Number of turns
B) Area of loop
C) Current in the loop
D) The magnetic field in which it is lying

Ans : The magnetic field in which it is lying

49) Which of the following is correct, when the energy is transferred to a system from its environment?

A) System gains energy
B) System loses energy
C) System releases energy
D) The system does not exchange energy

Ans : System gains energy

50) Two systems at the same temperature are said to be in ______

A) Chemical equilibrium
B) Thermal equilibrium
C) Mechanical equilibrium
D) Electrical equilibrium

Ans : Thermal equilibrium


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