Rust Operators

Rust Programming

Rust Programming

An operator is a symbol that performs operations on values or variables. For example, - is an operator that performs subtraction between two values.

Rust programming provides various operators that can be categorized into the following major categories:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Compound Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Comparison Operators

1. Arithmetic Operators in Rust

We use arithmetic operators to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here's a list of various arithmetic operators available in Rust. We have used the variable names a and b in the example.


  • + (Addition) : a + b
  • - (Substraction) : a - b
  • * (Multiplication) : a * b
  • / (Division) : a / b
  • % (Remainder) : a % b

Example 1: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication Operators

fn main() {
    let a = 20;
    let b = 2;

    // add two variables using + operator
    let x = a + b;
    println!("{} + {} = {}", a, b, x);

    // subtract two variables using - operator
    let y = a - b;
    println!("{} - {} = {}", a, b, y);

    // multiply two variables using * operator
    let z = a * b;
    println!("{} * {} = {}", a, b, z);


20 + 2 = 22
20 - 2 = 18
20 * 2 = 40{codeBox}

Example 2: Rust Division Operator

fn main() {
    let dividend = 21;
    let divisor = 8;
    // arithmetic division using / operator with integers
    let division = dividend / divisor;
    println!("{} / {} = {}", dividend, divisor, division);


21 / 8 = 2{codeBox}

In the above example, we use the / operator to divide two integers 21 and 8. The output of the operation is 2.

In standard calculation, 21 / 8 gives 2.625. However, in Rust, when the / operator is used with integer values, we get the quotient (integer) as the output.

If we want the actual result, we should use the / operator with floating-point values. For example,


fn main() {
    let dividend = 21.0;
    let divisor = 8.0;
    // arithmetic division using / operator with floating point values
    let division = dividend / divisor;
    println!("{} / {} = {}", dividend, divisor, division);


21 / 8 = 2.625{codeBox}

Here, both dividend and divisor variables are assigned floating point values. Thus, the division operation returns a floating point result of 2.625.

Example 3: Remainder Operator

fn main() {
    let dividend = 21;
    let divisor = 8;
    // arithmetic remainder using % operator
    let remainder = dividend % divisor;
    println!("{} % {} = {}", dividend, divisor, remainder);


21 % 8 = 5{codeBox}

Here, we use the remainder operator % with two integers: 21 and 8. The output of the operation is 5.

The remainder operator %, as the name suggests, always returns the remainder after division.

Assignment Operators

In Rust, we use the assignment operator to assign a value to a variable. For example,

let mut x = 1;{codeBox}

Here, the = operator assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left.

Compound Assignment Operators

We can also use an assignment operator and an arithmetic operator, known as a compound assignment operator. For example,

let mut x = 1;
// compound assignment operators
x += 3;{codeBox}

Here, += is a compound assignment operator known as an addition assignment. It first adds 3 to the value of x (1) and assigns the final result (4) to x.

Here's a list of various compound assignment operators in Rust.

  • += (Addition Assignment) : a += b ~ (a = a+b)
  • -= (Substraction Assignment) : a -= b ~ (a = a-b)
  • *= (Multiplication Assignment) : a *= b ~ (a = a*b)
  • /= (Division Assignment) : a /= b ~ (a = a/b)
  • %= (Remainder Assignment) : a %= b ~ (a = a%b)

Example: Compound Assignment Operator

fn main() {
    let mut a = 2;
    // arithmetic addition and assignment
    a += 3;
    println!("a = {}", a);


a = 5{codeBox}

Comparison Operators

We use comparison operators to compare two values or variables. For example,

6 > 5

Here, the relational operator > (greater than) checks if 6 is greater than 5.

A relational operator returns:
  • true if the relation between two values is correct
  • false if the relation is incorrect

> (Greater than)
  • a > b
  • true if a is greater than b

< (Less than)
  • a < b
  • true if a is less than b

>= (Greater than or equal to)
  • a >= b
  • true if a is greater than or equal to b

<= (Less than or equal to)
  • a <= b
  • true if a is less than or equal to b

== (Equal to)
  • a == b
  • true if a is equal to b

!= (Not equal to)
  • a != b
  • true if a is not equal to b

Example: Comparison Operators

fn main() {
    let a = 7;
    let b = 3;
    // use of comparison operators
    let c = a > b;
    let d = a < b;
    let e = a == b;
    println!("{} >= {} is {}", a, b, c);
    println!("{} <= {} is {}", a, b, d);
    println!("{} == {} is {}", a, b, e);


7 > 3 is true
7 < 3 is false
7 == 3 is false{codeBox}

Logical Operators

We use logical operators to perform logical decisions or operations. A logical operation returns either true or false depending on the conditions. For example,

(5 < 6) && (7 > 4)

Here, && is the logical AND operator that returns true if both conditions are true. In our example, both conditions are true. Hence the expression is true.

There are mainly 3 logical operators in Rust.

&& (Logical AND)
  • exp1 && exp2
  • Returns true if both exp1 and exp2 are true

|| (Logical OR)
  • exp1 || exp2
  • Returns true if any one of the expressions is true

! (Logical NOT)
  • !exp
  • Returns true if the expression is false and returns false, if it is true

Example: Logical Operators

fn main() {
    let a = true;
    let b = false;
    // logical AND operation
    let c = a && b;

    // logical OR operation
    let d = a || b;

    // logical NOT operation
    let e = !a;
    println!("{} && {} = {}", a, b, c);
    println!("{} || {} = {}", a, b, d);
    println!("!{} = {}", a, e);


true && false = false
true || false = true
!true = false{codeBox}

Credits & Copyrights©: Javatpoints & programiz

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