Program to demonstrate the 'from' trait
Rust Programming Language
In this program, we will demonstrate the "from" trait. The "from" trait is used to create a variable from another type of variable.
// Rust program to demonstrate the "from" traitfn TypeOf<T>(_: &T) {println!("{}", std::any::type_name::<T>())}fn main(){let strVar = "hello world";let stringVar = String::from(strVar);print!("{}, Type: ",strVar);TypeOf(&strVar);print!("{}, Type: ",stringVar);TypeOf(&stringVar);}{codeBox}
hello world, Type: &strhello world, Type: alloc::string::String{codeBox}
Here, we created a variable strVar of &str type. Then we created another variable stringVar using the "from" trait using the existing variable strVar. After that, we printed the value of variables and their data type.