Rust program to demonstrate the 'into' trait

Program To Demonstrate The 'Into' Trait

Rust Programming Language

Program To Demonstrate The 'Into' Trait


In this program, we will demonstrate the "into" trait, and, convert the variable of i32 type into a complex type structure.


// Rust program to demonstrate the "into" trait

fn TypeOf<T>(_: &T) {
    println!("{}", std::any::type_name::<T>())

struct NumStruct {
    num: i32,

impl From<i32> for NumStruct {
    fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
        NumStruct { num: item }

fn main() 
    let intVar = 5;
    let num: NumStruct = intVar.into();
    print!("intVar {:?}, Type: ", intVar);
    print!("num {:?}, Type: ", num);


intVar 5, Type: i32
num NumStruct { num: 5 }, Type: main::NumStruct{codeBox}


Here, we created a variable intVar of i32 type. Then we created another variable num using "into" trait using existing variable intVar. After that, we printed the value of variables and their data type.

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