What Is Rust Programming?

Rust Programming

Rust Programming

What is Rust Programming?

Rust is a statically-typed programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency and memory management. Its syntax is similar to that of C++. It is an open-source project developed originally at Mozilla Research. Here're some of the features of Rust that make it so popular:

  • Platform Independent : You can compile a Rust program on one platform and run it on another platform.
  • Performance : Rust is one of the fastest programming languages. Not only that, but it also requires less memory, which makes it a highly efficient language.
  • Safe Concurrency : Rust doesn't allow programs to modify the same value simultaneously while running the concurrent program.
  • Memory Safety : Rust also provides memory safety to prevent unexpected crashes of its program.

Reason to learn Rust?

Here're some of the reasons why you should learn Rust:

  • Safety
  • Speed
  • Concurrency

The language was designed for developing highly reliable and fast software in a simple way. Rust can be used to write high-level programs down to hardware-specific programs.


Rust programming language does not have a Garbage Collector (GC) by design. This improves the performance at runtime.

Memory safety at compile time

Software built using Rust is safe from memory issues like dangling pointers, buffer overruns and memory leaks.

Multi-threaded applications

Rust’s ownership and memory safety rules provide concurrency without data races.

Support for Web Assembly (WASM)

Web Assembly helps to execute high computation intensive algorithms in the browser, on embedded devices, or anywhere else. It runs at the speed of native code. Rust can be compiled to Web Assembly for fast, reliable execution.

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