Database Technology Unit 4 MCQ

Database Technology

Unit 4 MCQ

Database Technology


1. Which one of the following is not the type of database languages?

  1. DDL
  2. DCL
  3. DML
  4. TML

Correct Answer: TML

2. Which keyword is used for changing the name of a field in table?

  1. desc
  2. rename
  3. modify
  4. add name

Correct Answer: Rename

3. Which one of the following command is used to retrieve the records from table?

  1. select
  2. display
  3. list
  4. insert

Correct Answer: Select

4. Which of the following SQL query is correct to insert a record into student table?

  1. insert into student(1,'raj','cse');
  2. insert into student values (1,'raj','cse');
  3. insert into student table(1,'raj','cse');

Correct Answer: INSERT INTO student VALUES (1,'raj','cse');

5. Which one of the following keyword is used for sorting of data?

  1. having
  2. Sort
  3. List
  4. Order by

Correct Answer: Order By

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