01. IT Service Lifecycle of MOF is comprised of --------------manage layer and --------------phases.
- one manage layer and four phases
- one manage layer and three phases
- three manage layer and three phases
- three manage layer and four phases
Correct Answer: one manage layer and three phases
02. Which of the following IT service management is not a sub process of Service delivery process?
- Service level management
- Financial Management
- Configuration Management
- Capacity Management
Correct Answer: Configuration Management
03. Which of the following must be accounted while choosing the structure of the IT organization?
- Business strategy, organizational culture
- Customer size, cost factors
- Man power needed, required skills
- Business goals, customer inputs
Correct Answer: Business strategy, organizational culture
04. The diagram that defines the functionality of actors is called
- Business system context diagram
- IT management system context diagram
- Use- case diagram
- Managed Business system context diagram
Correct Answer: Use- case diagram
05. A system-context diagram provides
- Low-level view of a system
- High-level view of a system
- Middle – level view of a system
- Moderate-level view of the system
Correct Answer: High-level view of a system