Get key from HashMap using the value
Rust Programming Language
Rust program that retrieves a key from a HashMap using its associated value.
use std::collections::HashMap;fn get_key_by_value<'a, K, V>(map: &'a HashMap<K, V>, value: &V) -> Option<&'a K>whereK: std::cmp::Eq + std::hash::Hash,V: std::cmp::Eq,{for (key, val) in map {if val == value {return Some(key);}}None}fn main() {let mut map = HashMap::new();map.insert(1, "one");map.insert(2, "two");map.insert(3, "three");let value = "two";let key = get_key_by_value(&map, &value);match key {Some(k) => println!("Key for value {}: {}", value, k),None => println!("No key found for value {}", value),}}{codeBox}
Key for value two: 2{codeBox}
This program defines a get_key_by_value function that takes a reference to a HashMap and a reference to a value, and returns an Option containing a reference to the key associated with that value in the map, or None if no such key exists.
The get_key_by_value function iterates over the key-value pairs in the map using a for loop, checking if the value of each pair matches the input value. If a match is found, the corresponding key is returned.
The main function creates a HashMap and inserts three key-value pairs into it. It then calls get_key_by_value to retrieve the key associated with the value "two" and prints the result.