Answer In One Sentence (History Solutions Class 6)

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board History Class 6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board History Class 6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 History Solutions of "Answer In One Sentence" All Questions In One Place.

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History Class 6 Chapter 1 : The Indian Subcontinent and History

1) What is history?

Answer: History is a coherent account of the significant past events in the progress of human culture.

2) Where do human settlements flourish?

Answer: Human settlements have flourished wherever the means of living are plentiful.

3) What do the people in the hilly region depend on for their food?

Answer: In the hilly regions people depend more on hunting and gathering for their food.

4) Which was the earliest civilization in India?

Answer: The Harappan civilization was the earliest civilization in India.

History Class 6 Chapter 2 : Sources of History

1) In the past, what materials were used for writing?

Answer: In the past, materials like potsherds, unbaked bricks, bark of birch trees and copper plates were used for writing.

2) What information is obtained from Vedic literature?

Answer: We come to know of life of man and ancient Indian History from the Vedic literature.

3) Which literature is preserved by oral tradition?

Answer: Owis, folk songs, folk tales and similar literature is preserved by oral tradition.

History Class 6 Chapter 3 : The Harappan Civilization

1) How did the civilization get the name Harappa?

Answer: Archaeological excavation first began in 1921 CE at Harappa in Punjab on the banks of river Ravi. That is how this civilization came to be known as Harappan civilization.

2) What patterns are seen on the Harappan pots?

Answer: There are red terra cotta pots with patterns and designs in black colour. The patterns includes fishscales, interlocking circles, pipal leaves, etc.

3) What cloth did the Harappan traders supply to Egypt?

Answer: The Harappan traders supplied muslin cloth to Egypt

History Class 6 Chapter 6 : Janapadas and Mahajanapadas

1) What is meant by janapada?

Answer: Small city states came to be known as janapadas.

2) What is meant by mahajanapada?

Answer: Some janapadas gradually became stronger and expanded their geographical bounderies, such janapadas came to be known as Mahajanapadas.

3) Where was the first Buddhist council held?

Answer: The first Buddhist council or sangiti was held at Rajgriha.

4) Who introduced the system of standard weights and measures?

Answer: The Nandas introduced the system of standard weights and measures.

History Class 6 Chapter 7 : India during the Maurya Period

1) Why did the satraps begin to fight among themselves?

Answer: After Alexander’s death, a struggle for power began among the satraps that he had appointed.

2) Who did Ashoka send to Sri Lanka for the spread of Buddhism?

Answer: Ashoka sent his own son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka for the spread of Buddhism.

3) What were the occupations of the people during the Mauryan period?

Answer: During the Mauryan period, there were many occupations like carving and engraving on ivory, weaving and dyeing cloth and metal work. Black, glazed pottery was produced. Ship building and technology of making articles of iron had also developed.

4) Which animal engravings are found on the pillars erected by Emperor Ashoka?

Answer: Excellent carvings of animals like the lion, elephant, bull are found on the pillars erected by Ashoka.

History Class 6 Chapter 9 : Ancient Kingdoms of the South

1) Name the ancient dynasties of Southern India.

Answer: The Cher, Pandya and Chola dynasty were the ancient dynasties of Southern India.

2) After the decline of the Mauryan Empire which local kings became independent?

Answer: After the decline of the Mauryan Empire, the local kings in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka became independent.

History Class 6 Chapter 10 : Ancient India: Cultural

1) Make a list of ancient Indian universities.

Answer: The ancient Indian universities are Takshashila, Vamasi, Valabhi, Nalanda, Vikramshila and Kanchi.

2) Make a list of the Indian goods that were in demand in foreign countries.

Answer: Indian goods like fine textiles, ivory, precious stones, spices, beautifully made earthen ; pottery were in great demand in foreign countries.

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Additional Questions

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